Thursday 8 November 2012

If not now, then when?
Someday isn’t better than today, often which someday is never. If you can’t do something right now, make it a point to add to your to do list an action item with a reasonable due date to remind you to do something later rather than not at all. We all make excuses from time to time so the next time you find yourself saying, “Not now,” take a moment and ask yourself the question above. Also ask “Why NOT now?” Let’s be honest, anything worthwhile is difficult, because if it were easy everyone would do it.  What have you been putting off? I am talking about all the things you say you want to do, but put it off for various reasons! If you hope to have something in your life someday, you should be able to have some piece of it in your life today.

There’s always something more practical or expedient I should be working on. But if not now, then when? I don’t have an answer to that question. Like most of life’s worthwhile principles, making the content of today reflect the ambitions of tomorrow is far from easy.The answer to all of life’s problems isn’t to just get started. I think most of us can appreciate that. But when is the “someday” you plan to pursue? And are those ambitions of tomorrow justified by today?

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