Thursday, 8 November 2012

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 

  I think it makes you appreciate all the aspects of life when this question is posed. Yes, I think most of us would consider ourselves young at heart, and our body want to be young but with age comes wisdom, and knowingness. So which is it? Young at heart or an old wise soul? Can we be both? When I was young, I wanted to be older because I believed that wisdom comes with age.  As I got older, I made some bad mistakes, and I felt young and foolish. 
 Now that I'm middle aged, recovering from a recent mild heart-attack I feel even younger still. I feel mature in the sense that I can see how I have learned and gained wisdom since my teens. At the same time though, do I feel like a grown up? I have yet to find anyone who does. When we are younger, we have perceptions of what a certain age will feel like. Acknowledge, welcome, accept and even celebrate all of those parts of ourselves!; most days are very difficult to start, but as I go through my day and encounter different people I can feel younger through sharing their experiences and recalling my "different ages".

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