Thursday, 8 November 2012

What is the difference between living and existing?
I think the biggest distinction between living and existing comes from how much control you have over life decisions. Where do you see control coming from? In general, someone who exists feels as if everything is outside of their control while someone living knows they determine the path their life takes. Emotions have a big role to play in this. Someone who exists lets emotions such as fear and anger dictate what they can and can’t do. Someone who is living understands those emotions, controls them and doesn’t let them interfere with their decisions.
Someone who exists would stay in the same dead-end job for years despite being unsatisfied and unhappy. Their fears have trapped them and they have no plans of getting out. They’ve lost hope and just mindlessly go through the day in order to maintain the status quo. People who simply exist do the same boring routine every day even though they don’t really like it. They don’t take any chances on improving their life just so they can maintain their current comfortable lifestyle. This is because they are unable to take control of their decisions.
Do you celebrate the things you do have?

There are certain particulars in life that we all repeatedly and unintentionally celebrate on a regular basis. These celebrated incidents are composed of the smaller things in life, those seemingly insignificant events that instantly place us in a better mood.Getting a task completed, no matter how big or small, is a conscious to make an effort that usually brings me closer to some outstanding objective. However, this attempt comes with a huge bonus! The bonuses come in the form of a warm subconscious feeling of accomplishment and celebrate. I deserve to celebrate myself!!! Celebrating the little things that comes to my way or I achieve it’s my motivation to keep hustling and pushing. Do a little thing to thank yourself for what you have done it doesn need to be big celebration...you can buy a nice wine with chips and enjoy it with a friend.

I don’t worry about becoming a raging blind to my faults; the beauty of being able to celebrate and love myself is that it allows me to deal with my shortcomings in a productive way….celebrating the things I do is the only happiness I can give to myself. Loving and celebrating what I do in my time also is the precious gift I can do to myself because no one will celebrate for me instead they be jealous and criticize me. Secure, happy people are also confident; able to take criticism and understand their mistakes and failings do not make them bad, unworthy people and thus have no need to be defensive or evasive when dealing with these shortcomings
It is wonderful to have a person, either friend or lover, to share your dreams and desires, fears, joys and sadness. There is always a broken heart.
I am only 22 years old, but have had my fair share of relationships with friends and partners. Obviously there were good times, but also bad times, people who used me, people I used, those who truly loved me, and those who did not. perfect times are few than the heartbroken times. You end a smile with sadnes and anger and then they blush things off by saying 'I LOVE YOU'. How can you hurt someone you believe you love?
I am only 22 years old, but have had my fair share of relationships with friends and partners. Obviously there were good times, but also bad times, people who used me, people I used, those who truly loved me, and those who did not. perfect times are few than the heartbroken times. You end a smile with sadnes and anger and then they blush things off by saying 'I LOVE YOU'. How can you hurt someone you believe you love?
In the past I could not always understand why these particular persons entered my life, but now, in retrospect, I realize that in some bizarre and even ironic way, they had helped to build my character and led to the truly exceptional relationships that I have with myself today.
If presented with the opportunity to get a message to a large group of people, what would your message be? Is it possible to lie without saying a word?
There is so much to tell but my message would strictly direct to heartbreakers who hurt people intentionally. Heartbreakers think a little of other person but when it’s his/her turn they want you to think out of the box and in different angles of an issue. When you first hurt someone it gives the lesson that you must respect other people’s feelings and views.

The last lecture.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
I think it makes you appreciate all the aspects of life when this question is posed. Yes, I think most of us would consider ourselves young at heart, and our body want to be young but with age comes wisdom, and knowingness. So which is it? Young at heart or an old wise soul? Can we be both? When I was young, I wanted to be older because I believed that wisdom comes with age. As I got older, I made some bad mistakes, and I felt young and foolish.
Now that I'm middle aged, recovering from a recent mild heart-attack I feel even younger still. I feel mature in the sense that I can see how I have learned and gained wisdom since my teens. At the same time though, do I feel like a grown up? I have yet to find anyone who does. When we are younger, we have perceptions of what a certain age will feel like. Acknowledge, welcome, accept and even celebrate all of those parts of ourselves!; most days are very difficult to start, but as I go through my day and encounter different people I can feel younger through sharing their experiences and recalling my "different ages".
Of all the forms of courage the ability to laugh is the most

The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood trauma
One of the reasons for the statute of limitations is that people want to get on with their lives and not have legal battles from their past come up unexpectedly.
The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood traumas. No matter your past, change is the essence of life. In order to move forward in life we need to learn to live in the present. There are numerous social problems which beset young children and often it sets the tone for the manner in which they will deal with life during adolescence and adulthood. It is important to go about examining this sympathetically, in a way that emphasizes learning but rejects the assumption that even the most awful experiences define our lives forever.
All of us have endured events and losses about which we had no choice. These include the families into which we were born, the way we were treated as children, the deaths and divorces of those close to us. It is not hard to make a case that we have been adversely affected by events and people outside our control. The idea that we have to sit and talk about the problems we face and the things we have tried that have failed imply a slow and unwieldy process that has at its core an uncomfortable assumption: We are responsible for most of what happens to us."
Only bad things happen quickly.

They come to us more gradually, in beautiful fits and starts, don’t they? Now, I just need to remember this, it’s like arriving into varsity thinking that you’ll graduate and get a proper job that satisfies you and drive your dream car, but it doesn’t happen like that you hustle and hustle and hustle in order to get there. We always dream of having a loving family (loving husband and kids) of which relationships are not easy to manage they are another subjects to learn to.

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt. This quote speaks about courage. I think it means that if you are willing to be daring and courageous in your acts then you will always find help. Someone will always be willing to assist those who are brave enough to ask for help. It’s kind of like if you’ve got the nerve to be absolute on something then people recognise it and respond to it. If you really want something in life you need to believe in yourself, and always be in the look out of that great thing.the years of completing a Diploma may seem easy but they took one to walk in the mud alone, it depends how fit and determined you are to win make it through success.
If not now, then when?
Someday isn’t better than today, often which someday is never. If you can’t do something right now, make it a point to add to your to do list an action item with a reasonable due date to remind you to do something later rather than not at all. We all make excuses from time to time so the next time you find yourself saying, “Not now,” take a moment and ask yourself the question above. Also ask “Why NOT now?” Let’s be honest, anything worthwhile is difficult, because if it were easy everyone would do it. What have you been putting off? I am talking about all the things you say you want to do, but put it off for various reasons! If you hope to have something in your life someday, you should be able to have some piece of it in your life today.
There’s always something more practical or expedient I should be working on. But if not now, then when? I don’t have an answer to that question. Like most of life’s worthwhile principles, making the content of today reflect the ambitions of tomorrow is far from easy.The answer to all of life’s problems isn’t to just get started. I think most of us can appreciate that. But when is the “someday” you plan to pursue? And are those ambitions of tomorrow justified by today?
My favourite Cat in the Hat book is [fill in the title]; because
Cat is the worst animal on my favourite’s animals; it scares me to an extent level when I see it. During my childhood when my big brother want me to do something fast he will use cat to scare me so that I can make things quick because I’m scared. My favourite Cat in the Hat book is [fill in the title]; would be the worst boring book ever I won’t even be able to read it. As much as reading as I like reading Novels but if it can talk about cat I’m sorry I would skip the page..There isn’t really interesting thing about a cat.
Why I have conversations?
A good, deep conversation with someone you care for is a gift. For some, these may only happen a few times in a lifetime. For others they are monthly or maybe even weekly realities. If we are honest, most of us are afraid to have these in-depth conversations because of the unknown reaction. Fear holds us back. And yet, by not having the conversations we know we need to have… the thought ways heavy on our hearts. Have conversations to get things off my chest as I tend to over-think things and drive myself a little crazy. Conversations are crucial when support is needed as an external opinion always helps to clear the air. Still not convinced? Look at the bottom thread. When I’m faced with a difficult decision or with a problem that I cannot seem to figure out by myself, I enjoy sharing it with someone in order to get his/her viewpoint on it.
Getting a life
Living the life you want and having every time never goes out of style. Building the foundation of your life is like building a new successful brand; it takes vision, planning, strategy and hard work. Examples that will help you living the life be honest, be creative, be courageous, be true to your heart’s desire and be proud of what you are doing it will get you where you want to be. Getting a life means rewarding yourself in everything you’ve managed to accomplish.
Bad girl is a hustler for something
Being a bad girl isn’t about breaking the law, its bout breaking the rules and respecting you every time. It’s about pushing back and forward, pushing the envelope and pushes you to new limits. It’s about not being afraid to use your head, your heart or your honey pot to get what you want. A bad girl is you at uncensored best, whoever you are, whatever your style. Finding your badness requires nothing more than an easy attitude adjustment.
I feel that people lack the comprehension that thoughts and feelings are "normal" (whatever they may consist of) and largely out of our control. There is no such thing as a "wrong" feeling.... What is important is how we react (or not react) to these thoughts and feelings... as this is what distinguishes us…so as far as there being a difference between thoughts, feelings, and behavior...Thoughts are obviously things you think, you create. Feelings are things that follow these thoughts...and behavior is what usually follows these thoughts and feelings.
You behave according to what you feel and want to do. Both these two words play a major role in life. Feelings and behavior can tell us more about people than words. Actions talk, and through actions we see feelings and the way we act, is the way we behave. We cannot always control our feelings, but I believe we can control our behavior. It is not bad to let your feelings follow behavior, but we must make sure we are always in control of our actions. when feel sad nothning helps but crying is the best after crying you feel much better than before. when you happy and everything is doing good you r positive attitude can tell.
My big fat BIG Dream.
It only needs you to go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
My big fat dream is I can’t wait to have my own apartment and own Volvo v40 car but first thing first. First I want to achieve my degree and get a proper job that satisfies then do some travelling around the world just meet with new people socialize and networking. Dreams are the things that drive our ambition into success. When you have dreams you set a direction on how to pursue them and make them come to reality. Unfortunately for me marriage is not my dream at all, I really want to be an independent women with no complications of marriage and its happiness, I want to create my own happiness with my family and my kids. Dream big and wake up follow your dreams as Eleanor Roosevelt says “the future belongs to those who believe in their beauty of their dreams and act on them’.
Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?
Conventional is safe approach to life; however you cannot gain great things if you do not risk great loss. Change can be a scary thing when embarking on it. Conventional should never be considered as the fallback option. When one agrees mentally to just do the bare minimum or not think outside the box, you may achieve your goal but would you exceed their/your expectations. Sometimes conventional is good especially when the world has knocked you down while you busy trying to build something good. Change in most situations is unavoidable, in one's personal life, at the office and in day to day activities.
Imagine how boring life would be, if you knew exactly what to expect each day, you would reach a point where you no longer challenged. It’s important to adjust your attitude, identify the positive impacts of the change, consider the new challenges and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. I know a few people set in their own ways, unable to change, unable to move on from things that are over and now prevent them from exceeding. All these people generally are unpleasant because they don’t know any better.
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