Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.
It is not about social media but also doing research for school project, searching for jobs and checking out accommodation ads. Because of this great World Wide Web we spend so much time online. Searching and engaging seems to also come with some unexpected consequences.
Addiction: Having access to the Internet the whole day can make you feel a need to be online all of the time.
Getting a stalker: Be careful with the information you put online or you might get people calling you at odd times or posting nasty comments about you.
Finding people you didn’t even know where to start looking for: Social media can make one longing, making you find people you haven’t heard from for years. Discovering things about your friends that you never knew: Today, with Face book and Twitter, you get to know more about your friend’s beliefs and whereabouts better than ever before. Discovering an old school buddy from primary or secondary years, brings lots of memories and you can hook up with the person again and be friends again.
The most unexpected consequence of being online is the change in Language grammar and the fading of face-to-face communication.
Online banking, Transacting money through online banking have changed paying bills which could take all day to just a few minutes…Most of us do not receive a handwritten birthday card like before, a bit of a sentimental-I tend to hold onto these things and loved the little thoughtful notes … precious. These days… Face book or an email seems to do the trick- its impersonal man!
Freedom of expression!! – I just love the fact that I can air my views, concerns and opinions with no consideration of censorship at all. Sometimes talking to people you don’t even know – it’s very boring because they always ask who you are. Where do you come from? etc, it happened to me via face book
Looking for reviews of a product or service in advance of a possible purchase – it’s helpful to know about other stuff experiences when taking into account of something original.
Knowing too much information about people and stuff. The randomness of searching for really random information and actually getting hits – yes midgets can have babies and babies can be perfectly normal.