Sunday, 19 August 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

I think that multitasking has the power to be of great benefit and can also serve as a disadvantage. The art is in how we use it. It’s about knowing when and what you need to give your full attention to and those things that can easily be altered without compromising on the quality of our outputs. It is all in the mind-set and like I said before anything priorities and time management are perfect.

Don’t drown yourself either, learnt the hard way not to chew off more than I can eat. Not everyone is talented enough to carry more bags with their hands. By allowing you to focus on two goals at once, means it would require the exact amount of attention and solving as the next. This is the part where you tend to put all your time and effort in your first project, and neglect the other. When the time finally arrives to executing these plans, or receiving feedback on your achievements, you’ll see that what you see was good it turns out to be disaster. At the end of the day it’s all about planning and structure that plays an important factor in your life. By being structured, allows you to plan ahead, hence focus on certain assignments on different days. When it is finally time for submissions, you are able to produce the exact same amount of sufficient information to the one assignment as you did with the other.

Carefully pick the rabbits in your life worth chasing and plan how you will use your skills to master to catch them all! And if you don’t get it right, try cheating…



Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain).

People move quickly on ideas to be the best.  An idea is only effective once it has been implemented because once it has been put into place only then will you see whether or not it good or bad idea. The capacity to create and understand the meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings.  An idea arises in a reflex, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection. People move quickly on ideas to be the best.  An idea is only effective once it has been implemented because once it has been put into place only then will you see whether or not it good or bad idea. The capacity to create and understand the meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings. 

An idea arises in a reflex, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection idea and nothing to counter it, that’s when it becomes dangerous. Those ideas can easily mislead as they make us believe we have more than enough time, trying out each and every idea.  Perhaps, we need not relax with an idea, rather act on the idea, and give the idea life. having one idea limits us to more possibilities that are right in front of us, having one business one idea can prove to be dangerous than having more than one business idea.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Have you figured out the second head fake?

 I think the second head fake, mean that there are the people who second head fake others by finding a quicker and simpler way of making it to the top; Some people in life go through the motions, from getting proper schooling and education, to getting a job and moving your way up the ladder slowly but surely until you reach the top.  Some are ingenuous and some are really bad problem solvers. The ingenuous ones are simply people who have that scratch passion and are go getters, grabs any and every opportunity that is set before them. Then you get the sly knickers that go the darker route of making money, but you never heard anything from them, but when they eventually decide to appear, live on massive estates that are cornered off with cameras, electric fencing and security guards.
What motivates me?

I am an outsider I love social life, money, like travelling being all over the place, I love beautiful things so I have to work hard be what i want to and go wherever I go knowing the fact that I worked for that and it’s my expenses I’m not wasting anyone’s time or money. I want to be independent. I think responsibility motives me the most.  Responsibilities motivates because when you do things you know there is something or someone waiting for your contribution My ability to work hard and deliver results motivates me to know that I am doing the right thing and its going to help one way or the other. Self respect motivates me to do good job. My goal is what motivates me because I want to excel in life so my goal always remind me to do the right thing because one day I will be what I want to be.

I have experienced some difficulties while i was growing up I learnt the hard ways I really do not want to go back or my family go back to that stage again and I’m  preparing myself for brighter future. We live in a different world where our parents spend their last cents to us so that we can climb the ladder of success and give back to our home and take care of the family. My parents help me to stand with my own feet and be in a good position, My mom and my sister always wanted the best for me. My mom’s confidence and loyalty towards my work motivates me. My family believes in me when the world brings me down they encourage me not to fall but rather stand against it. I always try to do it as perfect as possible. Sense of achievement and the feeling that I have not let anybody down. It’s good to be liked and be everyone’s favourite you know.  In order to live life to the fullest, I like to know what I'm doing and why.
The elephant in the room
People would rather go through the trouble of working around it than acknowledging it and trying to find a solution to remove the elephant from the room. Sometimes it is not possible to make the elephant go away but he might shrink and make things more comfortable for all. Sometimes when I meet other people they tend to be a little tense in my presence, and sometimes when I'm opened people tend to tell me all sorts of things and that can be overwhelming. When you caught people gossiping about you it’s like there is an elephant in the room because they start to act differently and there’s little tension in between.
Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

I can’t choose my 15 minutes of world famous because I really don’t care about fame, and I don’t do things for public recognition I do my own thing I don’t need the approval of the fans/public.  I think once you got the fame, you don’t really know how to react on it, I like to keep it simple and ordinary as much as one wish to be famous at some point but I only wish that my 15 minutes fame would be developing my community to the advance technology and networks. Being in the spotlight comes with disadvantages not everyone will like you there will be negative things about you. When you famous you lose self confidence you just do things for fun and for people. Fame makes people do things that are beyond their values which that create bad reputation for them. To be famous it takes courage and strength everyone needs to be happy and feel recognized at some point.

A skill set called leadership.

Leadership is about having influence so people can follow you. Leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen. Let's look at each of those in detail. A leader cannot lead if there are no followers and there can’t be followers without a leader. Also the followers need to trust their leader. The true leader perseveres and moves forward, it is the strength that lets leaders move their vision forward despite all the obstacles, despite all the people saying it can't be done. There are things that set leaders apart from other people. Some people are born with these characteristics. Others develop them along the way. If leaders aren’t consistent if their efforts and their actions, it causes followers to begin to doubt the dedication of the leader to the cause. It takes guts to be a leader. It’s not for everyone. Some people would prefer to tag along for the ride and that’s fine. Not everyone can or should be a leader. A true leader should inspire people to do what needs to be done, and give them the tools to do it. Otherwise, s/he is just another micro-manager…
Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is successful.
To be called a leader and be respected that way, one must posses confidence in reasoning things such as
The Leader sets the example by being in the front of the peak
 The Leader displays a commitment to integrity and character
The Leader strives for excellence on all things

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment

I know nothing about rock except the fact that people who sing rock music don’t have self respect of their bodies. I don’t read much about rock journalism, I have no real interest in it. I do see their nude pictures and scandals in the magazines or their videos.  Today we are so exposed, that nothing shocks us, and we know most of the juicy scoop before it happens. They have “dirty” looks and barbaric performances
Some or most rockers drink and smoke and do drugs and use foul language, as much as other musicians such RnB, Kwaito stars drink as smoke but they are better than the rock musicians. Rock music is different to other music and thus Rock star interviews should be different to normal, sophisticated interviews as well. Rock star audiences will understand Rock star journalists. Music has its own language and each type of music speaks or appeals to a targeted group.


Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

It is not about social media but also doing research for school project, searching for jobs and checking out accommodation ads. Because of this great World Wide Web we spend so much time online. Searching and engaging seems to also come with some unexpected consequences.
Addiction: Having access to the Internet the whole day can make you feel a need to be online all of the time.
Getting a stalker:  Be careful with the information you put online or you might get people calling you at odd times or posting nasty comments about you.
 Finding people you didn’t even know where to start looking for: Social media can make one longing, making you find people you haven’t heard from for years. Discovering things about your friends that you never knew: Today, with Face book and Twitter, you get to know more about your friend’s beliefs and whereabouts better than ever before. Discovering an old school buddy from primary or secondary years, brings lots of memories and you can hook up with the person again and be friends again.
The most unexpected consequence of being online is the change in Language grammar and the fading of face-to-face communication.
 Online banking, Transacting money through online banking have changed paying bills which could take all day to just a few minutes…Most of us do not receive a handwritten birthday card like before, a bit of a sentimental-I tend to hold onto these things and loved the little thoughtful notes … precious. These days… Face book or an email seems to do the trick- its impersonal man!
Freedom of expression!! – I just love the fact that I can air my views, concerns and opinions with no consideration of censorship at all. Sometimes talking to people you don’t even know – it’s very boring because they always ask who you are. Where do you come from? etc, it happened to me via face book
Looking for reviews of a product or service in advance of a possible purchase – it’s helpful to know about other stuff experiences when taking into account of something original.
 Knowing too much information about people and stuff. The randomness of searching for really random information and actually getting hits – yes midgets can have babies and babies can be perfectly normal.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Try a cliche
We tend to have a pretty tight focus on what’s wrong with our lives, and ourselves for that matter. With that tight a focus, you’re really missing the big picture. Sometimes our minds need a manual focus adjustment to see the real picture. Try it out and let me know what you notice. It’s real things in your life that we are actually grateful for, but sometimes we just tend not to notice. An assortment of worries or concerns, slights from difficult co-workers, things you need to remember… Negativity and chaos, really.

Cliches are simply “unoriginal ideas” — and that’s fine. There are some good ideas that have been floating around for a while. Try this one on: “Be grateful for what you have.”  As ironic as it may seem, just being you is actually quite difficult. The reason for this is that we’ve spent so long and tried so hard to be ‘other people’ throughout our lives. For example, we often try to live
up to the standards of others, keep people happy, get people to like us and other often inauthentic actions n obody has more or less value to offer than you do.
Our  greatest strengths are greatest weaknesses.
Our greatest strength makes are interesting and useful.  Use it, follow it, and leverage it for the good of others.  However, we determine who we are and who we become,. We don’t view our weaknesses as a negative drawback but we see it as an opportunity to turn something bad into something great. Sometimes we use the power to turn our weaknesses into our strengths and by doing that we trying to reach success in life. Seeing an opportunity in every situation whether it is good or bad and making that opportunity count is what is important. Our greatest strength is our freedom and our way of life. It has also become the source of our greatest weakness. Yes, we have our problems
and yes we have many things to fix to make our lives greater.

But let’s not forget one fact that we live only for once on earth. My greatest strengths and weaknesses is my ability to continuously speak my mind regardless of what the situation is...Our strengths and weaknesses is a reflection of who we are as people. Greatest strength if not maintained and used in a positive way could turn out to be his greatest weakness.
Every day is a good day.

Each day brings another opportunity for us to correct the wrong things in our lives and turn each day into not only a good day but a wonderful day. Life is simply too short not to maximise every opportunity we have, to have a good day!  Every day is a good day to develop new idea, face new challenges, study new people, listen to a new song, buy a new outfit, taste new food. Each day we grow, not only physically but emotionally, each day we learn more about ourselves and our friends, everyday is a good day. Every day we wake up and have the power to determine how our day is going to be. We can choose to wake up on the right side of the bed and make the most out of the day ahead. In the countless moments that arise, glimmer and then fall, we see the routine in the holy and the holy in the routine. I believe we can control our destinies and create for ourselves the kind of lives we desire. People who live based on these principles

who live reacting to circumstances do not. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Make today the best day you have ever had. Realize that when you lay down to sleep tonight you will have just given up the only shot you will ever have at today. You only get one shot at your today, so focus intently on making it all that it possibly can be. When you focus on making today great, you are helping guarantee that you will make your day
achieve what they desire, while people
List your top 200 achievements

To be born in this life I’m so thankful
To survive the tragedy
Going to school each day
Netball captain
Be the best daughter and sister to my mom and my sister
Winning a medal 2st prize in Javelin
Getting a bursary to buy school uniform in grade 10
Being a peer educator in high school
My trip Bisho festival
Pass my matric , not everyone is lucky or good to pass it
Able to have and make friends, not everyone like networking and socialising like me
 Staying far away from my family
Being independent
Having a bank account...oh i felt like a millionaire thought i was going to have all the money in the world.
Visiting my dream place to work...”parliament’ oh it was a dream come true but hey one day is one day
Starting a new life with new people from different places and cultures across the country....’Varsity life’
Graduating Diploma I felt like I’m in heaven with angels singing happy songs....’Btech next’
I’m so grateful for the things I have managed to achieve and accomplish in life and there is still a lot coming, life is full of opportunities and great the space

I am...?
I am me, I am unique not on earth you will see someone like me and I’m very confident about that. I am an outsider, socialite I am a dark chocolate beauty queen, I have a soft sweet heart and my hands are always open to everyone who needs the touch. I AM Thank full and Grateful for what I have and I do best.  I am strong and powerful, intelligent in my own ways. I do everything I can to build a better tomorrow for myself and my family, I love family. I always put a smile on other people’s face and I like that it keeps me alive each day. I’m being positive here… I want to be present so here I surround myself with people who bring me up, revising my look to the world… but what the hell I’m being positive here), loving myself more... I am me..................I am me..............I am me.....................